Monday, October 28, 2013


this right here is the picture of an alpha. pure physical dominance and sheer brutal mentality. the amount of veins popping out is all being engorged with pure raw power. it all starts with the mentality...

the apex mindset. the alpha way of doin things. this is what it all used to be back about 30-40 years ago. i'll take an example. bill kazmaier. when he stepped onto the platform. he owned it. no question. he dominated and outworked the competition without doubt. i remember seeing some of the world's strongest man competition where for two years no one could touch him. i remembered saying "that guy is strong as fuck but  arrogant". now i realize he wasn't being arrogant...he was being an "apex" or an "alpha". in every competition known to man..there has been always an alpha that rose to exert his dominance physically. that's what kaz did. every event...he physically dominated the competition. he needed very little words to speak about it.

today. we have waay too many followers and not enough alphas. why? cause we all want to follow some plan that some guy setup who may have broke a few records but leaves out alot of details on how he did it...evan centopani spoke about how some athletes hold back information just cause they are afraid of someone rising up to be greater than them. this goes back to my post on "transhumanism"...go read it if u haven't done so. anyways, everyone figures if they follow a set plan of some great athlete...they to will be great but this isn't the alpha way. today we don't have enough balls to go out and do something different from the do what we were supposed to do...learn from the past and evolve it to our understanding. no one wanted to do what bill kazmaier or what doug young did simply cause it required waay more hard work than today's athletes yet we have gone backwards in the strength game cause we forget what these monsters in the past have done. if u don't believe me. look at the world RAW powerlifting records. most of which have stood for damn near 40 years. why? most of which are held by fuckin alphas and it will take an alpha to break it. that simple. i could give two shits about the numbers of  "equipment operators"...most of which whine and complain like babies without pacifiers. pathetic.

doug young. another alpha. did a fuckin meet...dominated and destroyed everyone...800+ squat, 600+ bench, and 800+ dead..i remember him being mentioned as the most physically dominating powerlifter...he did this meet with broken ribs. it was his mentality. not arrogance. just cause he knew cause of how he trained he could continue the meet even injured while most would bow out. yes. not a smart move but yet the man dominated everyone on broken ribs. again, kaz, completed his training cycle with a 675 raw bench for a triple..but only did a 661 in competition. why? he dislocated his shoulder on the squat due to the rules of not "spreading the bar" and as wide as the man was...that wasn't possible. he did 661 raw and could have be physically capable of doing 700+ before clark and arcidi. but because of how he trained...he could handle the stress. ted arcidi was the alpha on the bench..physically...he murdered 700 like it was a cake walk...again..mentality.

its not just in powerlifting where these alphas could be found. franco columbu was known for his freakish feats of strength as well as a dominating physique that even had arnold pissing in his pants. scott wilson had some of the widest shoulders ever and could bench 600+. same with chuck sipes...their physiques bleeds physical power and pure badassness in every way. dorian yates..yet one could hold a candle to him...mariuz pudianowski...ronnie coleman....back to pudianowski...he gut checked strongman with his alpha mentality...i never heard of anyone having a 30+ point spread between first and second place. he surpassed the current level of strongman and skull-fucked it bad. but notice...after his first took 3-4 years before anyone could catch his level. that's what alphas are known for. game changers. ryan kennelly changed how benchers trained...when he was doin 1100 in a shirt yet still hammered a mid-600 raw bench. he made no excuses on letting gear dictate how strong he was...he proved he was as strong in gear as he was out of it.

the overkill method is just that. a way for forge alpha out of complacency and commonplace into something they didn't think existed. everyone has this ability to be an alpha...a freak...but they have to awaken that mentality by approaching every session dominating and outworking themselves from the previous session. basically having a no limit mentality. these guys i mentioned..didn't believe in such. look at how they trained and you get an idea on the overkill method. basically becoming a physically dominant version of alpha version of you. my next post will be more in depth about the overkill method...

do i still have your attention...

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