Tuesday, October 22, 2013


is it hot...yes. flames surround you. burning you. you scream in pain. your waiting for the flames to stop. but wait...your in a prison. shadows and darkness around you. silence. solitude. the voices in your head..speak of despair...hatred...fear...hopelessness...frustration. you have no ear to listen to your pleas. you cry out in rage but no one hears it....this is hell.

too many of people today feel that there is always something holding them back from what they really want to do...but the question is...do they want to? its a choice to them. they can wake up tomorrow and not want it and in a few months decide they want it again. its helter skelter. never consistency. no committment. no fuckin desire. maybe its cause its NOT all they have left. for one that seeks to transcend the chains of humanity...strength is the only thing remaining.

in your own prison. that's all you see. but yet its still a choice. u can choose to be chained by your fears...despair...and hopelessness or break them. but breaking them is gonna be hell. you think hell is flames...your right. but there isn't any fire around you...just the shadows. the darkness is hell itself. its suffocating just like flames actually burning the flesh...its torturous. people talk of bein in the shadows yet they yurn for the light so much its like they are drowning in the ocean. now...try actually drowning within the flames only to be constantly burned. then you realize the light you've yurned for...its the trappings of humanity itself. when your in prison...the need for humanity's acceptance is burned. this is their acceptance..its the denial. your prison. the shadows. one cannot last within this prison. the solitude...despair...its like chains being added to your soul as its being drowned within the flames of your own hell. the words of disappointment...the actions of abandonment...broken promises...accusations for being the person your not...innocent pleas go silent like a pitch black night...for you've been forgotten by humanity...damned to hell within your prison. why..why seek their approval once more?

but again. u have options. u can let the hell burn you to ashes to truly be forgotten. no one will remember u. they have their backs to you. forgotten you. or....you can accept the fire. see the strength that remains...see the strength that your left with...the hunger to be stronger..better...greater...remains. accept the fire. transform despair and pain into rage and hatred and use it like a dragon uses its glands to breath hell. that's what you want. despair and pain are weaknesses. such cannot be forgotten...but can be transcended into being used for something greater. your desire to seek the approval of humanity has led to this. now you must transcend humanity. outwork humanity. turn into burning hell. be at one with your passion..and use the fires of hell to transcend the limits and trappings of humanity. FORGE a greater existence...yours. let no one judge you. they can't. they have options. you never did. strength has always been demanded by hunger to thirst for more. to not be chained. to not be burned. to break and shatter chains. to breathe in the fires of hell.

there is something to be said. once in your prison. the fires of hell are forever burned in your heart. and like fire itself..it dominates everything and hungers for more. such is the necessary requirement to transhumanism resolve...to want to transcend beyond humanity itself...for humanity itself is weak. you choose to accept and forge these weaknesses into something stronger...greater...take your strength seriously..first and always.

nothing matters more than your strength when hunger all you got left...when you reach this point...you will discover just how strong you really are...for hunger and strength go hand in hand...and in this hell...your prison...its all you got left...

become one or the other.

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