Thursday, October 17, 2013


"a fr3ak is a transhuman manifestation of just how pissed off they are at society and their unhuman hunger and resolve to become greater than it"

in your own prison....there's no one to hear you talk...plea for help...cry for forgiveness....or to hear your words of wrath. all of it is in your head. it drives you mad. even your own prison...the world turns their back to you. they pretend to care. but actions are life and death and words are just fuckin words. you have choices at this point.

one. you can let despair gain the upper hand...proving the world they are right and your existence means nothing....not even to you. all of the pain from the world is unbearable...everyday its a constant torment as the silence is the devils' magic working its trickery against you. you ask questions...and you get the answers you don't want to hear. all of the strength turns to weakness. your hunger then is numb while the pain throbs even more...all due to one fact..failure to accept the worlds' judgment on you.

or the other. hunger. you REbuild yourself. take away what was once weak...destroy it and build something else greater. people ask how does one motivate oneself? its simple. take the empty bottle. pour every once of hate and rage into it...and then close it. this will allow you to obtain peace within the the darkness of your be one with the silence and let it be a calming effect than a killing one. everytime you feel the sting of the worlds' back to add more to it. every once of torment...pour it once more into that bottle. the pestilence of the devils' mouth has no longer words for they are silent...what do u do with that bottle. when your hands touch the iron...that bottle opens. its like a thundering crash of water being flowed forth from a damn broken. every set. every rep. you turn that hate...that rage...and learn to embrace the pain...even love it. see the veins? the striations? the blood pushing the muscles and engorging the veins is newfound strength never before had and it continues to grow...simply cause that bottle now is a bottomless pit...for pain is constant...therefore the hate and rage will have no end as hunger does.every vein that's engorged with blood...expanding them...causing more veins to appear...newfound strength generated from ones' hate and rage towards the world. you dig deeper cause you want to. you go to that dark place cause you want to. its the only place where you can build yourself into a greater being than the world can comprehend. to transcend what's called "human" into something greater than what society calls such. what's the factor that would cause one to do such? hunger. the will to be stronger and to always strive to be stronger. its simple...every pain is the source of a weakness. so...destroy that weakness and build something stronger. like a sword that was broken..its forged into a stronger sword than its previous one.

no talk is necessary. the hunger to be stronger demands the constant elimination of weaknesses and forging of stronger things in its place. always. its like a machine that's constantly finding errors...what they do? they learn and make an update to replace and make stronger. a part of you must be machine. its why this prison is perfect. all you see are the weakness..either born with or taught. you either let those weaknesses end you..or you destroy them. simple as that. u take the good and u make better. u take the bad...and u break it down til its good. that's how the body and mind works. turn a weakness...destroy...rebuild...and make stronger than before. its why you place the weak emotions such as rage and hate into a bottle to be used in order to build a STRONGER you. if you didn' will lead u to your end.

no longer are u bound by the worlds judgment of you. you now build yourself to surpass what they call humanity. you say to these words...and knowing why its you...

"i'm just better than you. no ego, pride, or arrogance behind it...or saying anyone else is lesser than you...i just know i'm better than you."

remember this while your in this prison condemned by the world facing only their backs to in to the same weakness you CAN choose to destroy...rebuild and make is not arrogance in saying such...fuck no.

the transhuman resolve. one or the other.

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