Saturday, October 26, 2013

life imprisonment

"a king who pretends to have a kingdom is a legend in his own mind"

limitations. we are born with them yet as we are growing up we realize that reality are our chains...we are taught to respect those chains. that there is a reason for them binding us. that they keep us from being savage and primal...that they keep the darkness in check. however, we end up transforming this into something else far from the idea. alot of us go thru life blindly without a path of our own. others are blinded by their egos and prides of a crown that yet to exist in reality. this isn't our fault. we are taught well that limits exist for a reason but over time more of it is added. we are taught to never go past them that they are impossible to do.

a friend of mine...was born into a family of baseball players. as such he became one. a damn good one at that. but something happened within him. he saw no challenge to something that was easy to achieve. he sought bodybuilding. building something daily to becoming great. all of the sudden he found intensity. he found passion. his family however saw him as an outcast. they were taught why give up something so easy for something so much more difficult. my friend didn't see it that way. yes he could have been a pro in baseball with his surroundings and his abiilty but he found no passion in something that was too easy to fight for. he wanted to bleed. feel pain. hell feel himself break apart cause he knew if he did...he would return...monsterous as before. his family turned their backs to him for this. now he has a bottle for the amount of rage and hate...and uses it to become something greater. he has to.he reached into that pit of darkness and hunger came forth.

all of what i just said is driven by one concept. FEAR. fear of something so throw all this bullshit into our lives to keep us blinded from such. look at the social media. everyone wants to be noticed. its the only way the feel they exist. its a sad fuckin world. i have embraced this solitude that only a few know about. why? i needed to go to the one place where it was everywhere and couldn't turn my back to. i feared solitude my whole life. its what kept me within my limits. as long as i wasn't forgotten i was satisfied. when that happened..i realized i had been running away from fear itself. it was time to face it. when i did...something sick happened. i talk about hunger but now its uncontrollable as the flames of hell. it kills fear daily.

imagine this. your a bodybuilder. you've been wantin to be a pro for a long time but lack the fire to do so. but you train your ass off day in day out. you literally eat. sleep. and train. then one day u find yourself in a life and death situation. a man stands to take your life. what would you do? in my mind. its simple. i will protect what i love at all cost. that's when u dig into that pit of darkness...pull out that hunger...that will to live. in a flash...that man that stood between you and your beneath your feet grasping for air and begging for his life. that man is fear. that thing you pulled out of the pit of darkness is hunger. in a flash it unleashed something primal...unhuman...freak-like. you found that edge.

its doin what you must to protect your passion...that hunger is intensity itself. no one will give a shit unless you do. my hunger is my drive. i want this shit bad enough to kill. that's a sick feeling to admit to but its the truth. i put myself thru hell cause hell itself don't want me. he lacks the tools to contain my hunger. i found my edge. and i found it cause i imprisoned myself  in my own prison. away from eyes and ears. away from those who are blind to fear and deaf to the truth that's around them. i no longer need humanity to accept me. i am what i am. i am imperfect. i take all of the hate and rage from the world and its becomes murders fear everyday. people choose to be the hunted. this was me. now i am the hunter. no longer a victim. i see the world for what it is...i see the cards of everyone before the hand is dealt. there is something to be said about having been in the confines of your opens your eyes to what's really there or more to the point...what was never there to begin with.

its simple. you want this shit. face fear. that's your war. fear is what binds everyone by chains. i choose what's right and NEVER what's easier. choosing what's easy is fear's way of binding you with more chains. there is a reason why my cell is unlocked. i don't fear what's beyond my control but can control what i hunger for the most and the protect your passion. i put myself into purgatory to be able to breathe again...that i am...hunger unbound. i will die on my feet in hunger for greater than to live on my knees in the lies of fear. its that fuckin simple. this is who i am now. lookin for apology? this is close as it gets to one. my life imprisonment won't be one bound by ones or my own...but to live on my way. i live live like hurricane...nature's won't know where it will end up but its path of destruction will be undeniable.

i'm in all the way. i'm in for the kill.

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