Friday, November 1, 2013


 this approach is different than anything you've ever done or tried and it will make a fuckin man outta you quick and easy. the problem with most training methods/programs today is that they are lazy as fuck. there are a few that will make your ass work. i've mostly found those to alot of training methods/programs from the 70s and 80s. geez i wonder why? i saw the greatest amount of gains i've ever made based on these old school methods. where u trained to be a fuckin man. well...the apex method will make u into a freak. you can take any routine/program your doin and implement these ideas and it will shock your body in a way. but first let me explain.

remember that one bench program you used when u first started? how were the gains? were they 40-50lb increase on your bench in 8 weeks? probably so. now..when u tried it were the results? not so much..probably half of what u gained in the first go around. here's the reason. adaptation. the idea with the apex method is to constantly keep certain if not all variables changing so the body doesn't have a chance to adapt...thereby forcing you to grow and get stronger constantly. that bench program you used? don't use it for 8 weeks and try it again...u will probably see that 40-50lb gain again simply cause your body didn't have a chance to adjust. after a while tho you will have to take 16 weeks off from it to keep it effective. that's where these laws come in.

1. always pre exhaust and POST exhaust.
the idea here is to get the muscle being worked warmed up enough to push some weight. YES you won't be as strong goin into the bench or squat BUT your goal is to strength train..not demostrate it. Tiny Meeker taught me the idea on warming up properly. Hell you should be breaking a fuckin sweat before you do your work weight. whether your a bodybuilder or powerlifter...try doin pec deck before BENCH...leg extensions BEFORE squats...rows or pulldowns BEFORE deads. then after your MAIN movements...still push weight but also push for higher reps...this is doing PRE-EXHAUST TO POWER TO PUMP. when u do a pump or POST EXHAUST your flooding your muscles with blood pushing them to beyond failure.

2. every rep is a "mininum" not a your expected to overshoot every set..pushing muscular failure.
everyone is fixated on doing a certain number of reps and sets and being confined to them. try this. if u have 3 sets of 12 listed...then perform every set OVER 12 REPS! as many as u can over 12...basically considering 12 reps as a mininum not a maximum number of reps needed to be done. doing every set like this increases intensity big time!

3. every set you either go up in reps or weight or BOTH...pushing muscular overload
for every set u push past your mininum number of reps..increase the weight in some way. take our 3 sets of 12. if u do 15 on  the first..increase the weight...lets say u do 13....increase again...but what if u fail before 12th rep....

4. if your unable to complete a regular set...perform a RPF pause failure set
that's where this next law comes in. lets say u stop at rep 8. rest for 10-15 seconds and peform another 3 reps. stop again and peform another 2 reps. you just did a rest pause failure set of 13 reps. so the next workout the progression will remain the same til your able to do a straight set of 12+ on the final set with that same weight. when i did RPF became my regular working set within weeks.

5. change up how u peform reps.  reps are performed with a pause(such as the big 3 or various db movements) or zero rep(cable or machine movements)..meaning you control the eccentric and explode back into contracted position.
never try to do the same thing the same way. reps. they are performing reps in this manner:
- hold contracted position or paused position on most barbell movements for 2-3 seconds
- go into a negative for 2-3 before exploding back to contracted position again
- for barbell movements and db movements...its the reverse...u hold the stretched position for 2-3 and explode back into contracted position and do the negative
at least every 2 weeks change up how you do each rep of each set...either zero reps..paused reps...or regular reps...

6. push high volume week to week thru high reps plus heavy weight
every week push the volume BEFORE weight. if you increase the'll increase in strength as well. for example...say your doin db inclines and your sets look like this:
100x17 110x15 120x13 130x13RP
so your aim next session is this
100x20 110x17 120x15 130x13
do the just increased the volume by pushing more on the reps over weight. overtime this will translate into strength gains...this is what was done back in the 70s and 80s with most of your training methods. push the volume FIRST before weight. most of my squats and bench sessions i did repouts before and/or after my worksets and some of my clients even did a max triple AFTER their worksets on the big three..which increase workload volume...also your performing alot of this pre-exhausted so your always at 80% but making that 80% stronger...what's stronger? a guy who does 500 raw fresh...or a guy that does 500 raw AFTER pec deck and AFTER his workset...think about it...

7. keep your training on a rotating cycle..never peaking but always training.
when i was using a bench program..i would always work up to the fifth week and restart it again and add 5-10 lbs to my previous max and keep goin. same idea here. once u work up to a certain weight for certain reps say...u want your final set on squats to be done with 405 for 12+ and u achieve 15. rotate. now your aim is to do 405 for start your worksets back at 315 for 20+ and go from there...i did this on my deads..once i go to 705 for 2 i rotated. next was 725 for 3...after that i rotated was 705 for 5...etc...this will keep the adaptation from catching up and you constantly progressing and getting gains...

the true meaning of an alpha is dominating and outworking himself. pushing yourself beyond failure every session...the alpha will always push harder every session just cause he can. you will have to make a decision to be a bodybuilder...or a powerlifter....

or just a fuckin'll decide when you use these seven laws of the overkill method.

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