Friday, November 29, 2013


welcome to the era of pussification. today people make excuses amillion about their shortcomings and damn if they succeed they will take all the credit and screw the rest right? part of this era involves people being too damn lazy to do the work for themselves but rather follow what someone else does cause its easier and failure is less likely. another issue...we have so much shit on the shelves its crazy and you will have someone buy damn near the whole store just to make a puny 15-20 pound gain in six months. so what the hell is going on right? why have we moved away from the FOUR things that could make a huge difference....and why we have moved from educating ourselves and becoming robots to those who haven't?

"You picked the weights for a lifter who broke a world record?  Congratulations.  You're a good fucking guesser.  You did NOTHING.  NOTHING AT ALL.  Not only are you so fucking worthless your parents likely weep themselves to sleep at night with the knowledge they produced a pompous dipshit who'd be better off beating himself to death with a claw hammer than offering other people advice, but you're detracting from the efforts of a lifter far better than you.  FAR.  BETTER.  THAN. YOU." - Jamie Lewis

here's something funny. years ago i was called out by someone about how i trained which by the way is the same i train now. i posted up doin 1000+ shrugs for reps and 700+ barbell rows for reps. i was asked what was the point in doin all this "crazy" shit if it didn't translate to hitting PRs on the platfrom. i explained how and why and even that wasn't enough as this at the time "purist" thought i was a dumbass. long story short...later i read his ebook and even watched a video of his on youtube...turns out he's now on the bandwagon....this was just funny to mention again cause it shows one part of the era of pussification...the unlikely idea of doin work. my motivation was to be what this method is all about...being the alpha that being strong at EVERY MOVEMENT and not just where your ego lies. that's how most programs are today. people like to follow a path already made for them cause someone else used it before them and made them into fr3aks but in reality never used their program but maybe one time. but that's not their fault. its ours. for not being smart enough to follow our own path...becoming your own fr3ak in your own way. having the guts to do for you...YOUR WAY cause you can. who says you can't train like a bodybuilder for a powerlifting meet or vice versa? sure it could take alot of trial and error but the end result will be a SELF-MADE FR3AK...

this missing components from alot of lifters today is the BIG'm not talking about squat, bench, and deadlift. i'm talking about TRAIN. SLEEP. EAT. when i talk to someone and they ask me about gear...i'll be the first to ask how are they doin on the BIG 3. most times i get the cop-out about lack of sleep and lack on eating right. HEAR THIS!! if your attempting ANY FKIN cycle...your ass sleeping BIG and eating BIG. no matter what kind of cycle you have in won't be nowhere near effective without these THREE in place. remember my last post? i talked about how inmates get fkin huge while having ZERO access to supplements or gear...but full access to the BIG 3! all they did was eat, sleep, and train and when they train...the fkin WORKED THEIR ASSES OFF! that's how you gotta be. think about how when we all got started. none of us could get supps let alone gym membership. so we relied on the BIG 3.

another component is lack to educate. when i started..i stay in the library. reading every bodybuilding book i found and tried to take them home with me to keep learning. this was in the early 90s before the internet came out. so i either had to learn it thru magazines or the library. today, everyone has their fkin hands out wanting freebies left and right and not willing to educate themselves to put in the work. are you fkin serious?! this game is constant physical evolution thru constant mental education. i must of tried every training method and taken the good parts and merged them with good parts of others i've picked up and just went into the gym and tried the shit. even better. the guys i've coached using my method...all are teaching ME's that?! that's what this is about.

one other component is the lack to push one another harder. hell how many of us started out solo? i told a brother of mine about this one undeniable fact...when your fan your not taken seriously..but when u become a competitor...that view changes and now your considered a threat. how the hell that happen right? people are scared that someone will come up and surpass them. call me psycho but i fuckin love seein a fr3ak and even better to push them harder cause i know they will push me harder. will i help them? YES. its all about having the heart to fuckin go harder when no one else thinks you can. here's another component. i talk to people who afraid to change up or come outside of the box. ok. we all did that bench routine in high school that added like 50lbs to your bench in 8 weeks. so we did it again and didn't see the same gains right? that's when u gotta change up. the problem is that people misunderstand what the body adapts. when it does...your work output is less. you have to change up...change how you do your routine...your reps..your much volume...hell change something. part of the game is always doin new things and trying them out and seein if they work.

another thing about training...i've seen word. HALFASSED. your in the gym for one reason...TO WORK. if your leaving with your soul intact and not crawling out...YOU HAVEN'T WORKED. the stronger you get...the more work you have to put in to continue to make progress to continue to adding muscle. you cannot train as if your a first year after your 2nd year. your bigger. your stronger. so grab your sack and load up the weight and the volume. i looked at how Brian Siders trained years ago...people were astounded by the amount of volume that man did. He was the first to say that over time the volume grew more and more as he got bigger and stronger and that makes sense. i see these programs where everyone is on the same shit. a guy that has a 1300 raw total CANNOT do the same program as a guy who totals 2000 raw. in amateur cannot be trained the same way as a PRO does. believe it or not there are powerlifters today who train at the same "level" as a rookie...why? laziness. that simple. they rely on luck of their "gear" and gear to help win meets. this adds in mentality...have it in you from the defeat. no retreat. know that no matter what or who u will not be defeated and you will not retreat. fk luck. push the weight by any means necessary.

there's NO LUCK necessary when you build muscle. just fkin WORK! don't rely on the weaknesses of your competition for luck that you don't get your ass waxed come meet day. get your ass eating big...train your ass off...and sleep BIG! DON'T BE a slave to a program/method and don't be afraid to go outside of the box. that includes my own method. but my training method has you literally miles outside of the box just in case. you have to push yourself harder by doin the BIG 3 and constantly educating yourself and new ways of training and eating. does the addition of supplements and gear help? YES. but to rely on them OVER the big 3 and educating yourself is what i call being a "meathead". if your always working your ass off on all fronts...all the muscle you put on is literally done with NO LUCK. don't take a chance on putting all your marbles into something that's not in your control.. everything else "supplements" the BIG 3...FK IT...BIG 4...EAT BIG. WORK HARD. SLEEP BIG. EDUCATE HARDER. its what the fr3aks back 30 years ago to the fr3aks overseas do do that and this is what will happen...words from another one of my brothers, justin bethune...when training like a fr3ak...

-side effects could include, but may not be limited to:
•Growth of a sack, which may even include balls
•Massive amounts of testosterone
•Massive amounts of muscle mass being packed onto every inch of your body
•increases strength and aggression levels
•the inability to deal with or handle being around bitches, pussies, or anything in skinny jeans
•sudden urges to smash iron, tear it up, fk shit up, and go beast mode
•depression and thoughts of suicide will be gone forever
•sudden impulses to eat everything in sight, including but not limited to: meat, veggies, live animals, and small children
•increased sense of being a man
•urges to mate with every female in sight
•overall sense of confidence and the need to be badass
•loss of baby fat
•loss of love handles, spare tires, and bitch tits
•increased appearance of abdominal muscles
•increased attention from the opposite sex

the idea is to rely on hardwork in and out of the gym and not on the luck of something outside of your control. train as if your outworking your competition by the the the rep...that's how it was done years ago..and the russians and germans kick our asses over and over by OUT WORKING their competition to death. they didn't rely on luck. they relied on what they spent weeks building up...called MUSCLE! that's the name of the game. the ONLY name of the game.

if your not about building that muscle...playing games is your best bet...hope you luck out. just saying. as luck usually has ends up someone taking a dump on your day lookin jacked as fk with no reason to turn to  luck.

1 comment:

  1. This was pretty good, though I must admit your grammar probably could have been better.
    I really hope that "side affects" part was just a joke, if not I'll happily carry on being small skinny and frail. I don't need any thing like increased aggression and generally becoming a destructive asshole to ruin my life.
