Friday, December 6, 2013

the iron wrought cell....

"Liberated in time by the rust of my chains, my growl penetrates your grievous fears. The links of your fence may contain me for now, but I embrace them as a testament to the weakness of my enemies. I AM AGGRESSION !!"

there is a reason why there is a iron wrought cell between us. its more of my fault but more of a protection from the world. they know not the inner workings of the cell or what it lies. i confined myself to this cell for a reason...or is its the world's judgment of me that has me confined. it could be a little of both. the solitude and silence of a cell is something the world is both taking for granted and fear the most.

we live in a world that strives for acceptance on all and any levels. we go to gyms just to show off who we are to those who may not give a rats ass about or to live out some delusional fantasy that we are doing something that the PROs  haven't done or to be the HERO...u know the type..the one people always talk about being the strongest and/or biggest guy but never does anything with it but probably can find him at some random bar on the weekends. in places like that you get away from why the hell your in the gym in the first place. i realized this and it led me to be blinded and misguided. the feed off of  ego, glory, and pride of the iron...they lose themselves in a complacency blanket becoming satisfied cause others accept them as they are now. they forget however...what brought them to the iron in the first place.

when your in the gym by yourself...there's no one there. no one to talk to that can fuck up your focus. no one to blind you to your purpose by fluff talk and ego boosting chatter. no one to impress. no one to show out too. no one to give a damn about what fantasy your living cause in this hell there is only you and the iron itself. you forget for a while on being human and unleash your inner beast. there is nothing to hold u back while your in your one to tell you you can' one to tell you to lower your voice. only the voices in your head that demand you beaten and broken using the fear that's in your head...the voices that provoke your inner beast. this is where you learn something you don't lose....the eye of the storm.

the difference between a man with the eye of the tiger and a man with the eye of the storm. one only uses the rage and wrath of his inner beast. that's his drive to pour forth every ounce of hate and anger into everything he touches...for only ONE purpose...once that purpose is served...its gone to be never found again at the same place. the man with the eye of the storm...he's different. YES. there is an immense amount of hate and rage within him but its pure power within his hands that he harnesses into control...HIS CONTROL. its having the strength to unleash hell at a moments notice without soo much as a warning and to be able to garner control again. the man with the eye of the storm has a bottomless pit of strength...much like a hurricane that grows stronger. its path is undetermined but its purpose is clear and everlasting for its never for just a moment but its for common goal. for once the storm passes it only reforms again later. however the man stands calm in the center of this raging storm that's within him..the inner beast...only using a fraction of its true strength...why? the world cannot handle his full strength. "real raw power is control over power".

to put it simply..if i were to use an analogy of swords...the eye of the tiger's sword would have to take a surmountable effort to make one cut...while one with the eye of the storm only uses the amount of strength necessary for the task of making cut without taking alot of effort but infusing that hate and anger to do so...why? the man with the eye of the storm only uses his strength in the defense of his life and becoming his vision. the man with the eye of the tiger only uses his strength for an all out effort in the defense of his pride. the man with the eye of the storm learns the "edge"...thru his own suffering in his own hell called his prison he learns the concept of NO DEFEAT. NO RETREAT. there is no quit here. and if u do..there's no one to have pity on you. the iron itself is unrelenting and unforgiving. you never turn your back on a weight til you've destroyed it. there is no one here to hear you scream in pain...might as well make the shit worth it. NO DEFEAT. NO RETREAT.

when your in your own prison...pride is gone. you learn about your inner beast and the fact that it can destroy you if you don't learn to be at one with it. the man with the eye of the storm is with his inner beast...that is gaining true strength. the only judge is the iron that sits between me and the world and my hunger to be strong enough to bend it to my own indominable will. i sit in my cell. smiling at the pain. veins engorged with growing new found strength...but one with his inner beast. the world talks as if they are greater than i am and they probably are....

but there is a reason there is an iron wrough cell between you and me.

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