Tuesday, December 10, 2013

the trigger...

"killer instinct with violent intentions creates the primal resolve to be stronger when the hunger to be stronger is all you got left."

have you ever had a sound just unnerve you from hearing it? like everytime its heard...its opening a cage wider and wider? like once that cage is opened that inner beast is unleashed with none to stop it...that's what it feels like to me. the sound of plates slamming the floor and sound of plates being hammered into a rack..i've taken for granted...til recently. but i see why. when the intensity and hunger are in the air...those sounds become unnerving...putting me into a trance like state of pure rage.

but its not the sounds that unnerves me...its what they represent. when its from others...it cries out "your not strong enough". that's what i heard everytime plates hit the ground or when they hit steel...it cries out waiting for you do to the same and when you don't that's what i hear. yes. i'm a bit psycho but this is what the sound of plates running thru my mind does. that inner beast of mine is a juggernaut from hell and i've kept him caged longer than i realized. i think that fker has bent the bars and created rubble out of the walls. its only within that moment is that trigger is released like a gun firing its shot. only in that moment...

i've confined myself to my prison for a few reasons but in that time something else was awakened. hearing the words of many saying that my own weakness has led me to being in my prison...others feeling as if i'm some plague to others. they are right. my own weakness has led me to my prison where the only choice i have is to be stronger. those iron doors opening and closing that contain my juggernaut beast grow weaker by the day. it demonstrates the weakness of those who speak such lies about my strength. i am a plague to others...i am chaos. in every step i walk..its with a purpose...and in that purpose upsets the balance in the world. the world passed judgment onto me but the fact remains. i am a plague. that's what human juggernauts are...walking breathing instruments of chaos where ever they go. i have been tamed. but to the pit of my own prison...the sounds i hear...have unnerved my calm...tamed no longer.

now in my prison...i sit...i forge...i create something greater. in short. i choose to be stronger. i choose to walk the earth with the purpose of grinding everything in my path into dust and tossed to the wind. self proclaimed kings in human form will not be safe for their thrones are made of glass and i live in a realm where its made of paper and glass...such things deserve to be shattered if they aren't strong enough. make no mistake...there is pure wrath behind this hunger as a fr3ak is nothing more than a manifestation of just how pissed off they are at society and the will and hunger to become greater than that. i hunger to prove myself amongst the strongest...i hunger to be greater than them. its that trigger...one that puts me into juggernaut mode...one that doesn't stop...doesn't hold back...but hell is unleashed and devastation is what's left in its wake...much like a hurricane...there is NO beast mode...beast mode will get u killed.

i realize from the time in my own prison...what the shadows have granted me...or rather what i forgotten. that trigger. we get too caught up in the clutter that our world grants us...allowing us to forget that trigger. now i know what that trigger is...while my cage remains unlocked...that beast of a juggernaut still slams it open and close...the chimes of the iron slamming into one another waiting for that moment...one moment its released...the moment that trigger is pulled...and the lights go out instead of a blinding light...the eye of the storm...

now in my prison...i simply await that moment when that trigger is pulled...for now...what u see is unknown as a hurricane's path...only watch what comes next...but like a hurricane's path..it only grows in hunger by the day...never mistake the trigger of an atom bomb for that of a gun...so the question remains...

what sound do u hear?

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