Monday, October 28, 2013


this right here is the picture of an alpha. pure physical dominance and sheer brutal mentality. the amount of veins popping out is all being engorged with pure raw power. it all starts with the mentality...

the apex mindset. the alpha way of doin things. this is what it all used to be back about 30-40 years ago. i'll take an example. bill kazmaier. when he stepped onto the platform. he owned it. no question. he dominated and outworked the competition without doubt. i remember seeing some of the world's strongest man competition where for two years no one could touch him. i remembered saying "that guy is strong as fuck but  arrogant". now i realize he wasn't being arrogant...he was being an "apex" or an "alpha". in every competition known to man..there has been always an alpha that rose to exert his dominance physically. that's what kaz did. every event...he physically dominated the competition. he needed very little words to speak about it.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

life imprisonment

"a king who pretends to have a kingdom is a legend in his own mind"

limitations. we are born with them yet as we are growing up we realize that reality are our chains...we are taught to respect those chains. that there is a reason for them binding us. that they keep us from being savage and primal...that they keep the darkness in check. however, we end up transforming this into something else far from the idea. alot of us go thru life blindly without a path of our own. others are blinded by their egos and prides of a crown that yet to exist in reality. this isn't our fault. we are taught well that limits exist for a reason but over time more of it is added. we are taught to never go past them that they are impossible to do.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


is it hot...yes. flames surround you. burning you. you scream in pain. your waiting for the flames to stop. but wait...your in a prison. shadows and darkness around you. silence. solitude. the voices in your head..speak of despair...hatred...fear...hopelessness...frustration. you have no ear to listen to your pleas. you cry out in rage but no one hears it....this is hell.

too many of people today feel that there is always something holding them back from what they really want to do...but the question they want to? its a choice to them. they can wake up tomorrow and not want it and in a few months decide they want it again. its helter skelter. never consistency. no committment. no fuckin desire. maybe its cause its NOT all they have left. for one that seeks to transcend the chains of humanity...strength is the only thing remaining.

Friday, October 18, 2013


where has the direction of strength going? we've ignored the basics. we've gotten so far away from the basics. i've realized this through all the clients i've trained...eating and sleeping took a back seat to gear and ass-amount of supplements. training became halfassed due to merely ego and pride. i admit i fell victim to this cause it was easier. powerlifters train at the max cause CNS shutdown...bodybuilders don't continue to push the limits even during dieting. although i give bodybuilders credit..they are training their asses off harder than most athletes...while powerlifters have slacked back alot in shit that was reinvented yet some of the strongest lifters...30+ years ago...still hold world records and were side walk smashing freaks...WTF!

Thursday, October 17, 2013


"a fr3ak is a transhuman manifestation of just how pissed off they are at society and their unhuman hunger and resolve to become greater than it"

in your own prison....there's no one to hear you talk...plea for help...cry for forgiveness....or to hear your words of wrath. all of it is in your head. it drives you mad. even your own prison...the world turns their back to you. they pretend to care. but actions are life and death and words are just fuckin words. you have choices at this point.

one. you can let despair gain the upper hand...proving the world they are right and your existence means nothing....not even to you. all of the pain from the world is unbearable...everyday its a constant torment as the silence is the devils' magic working its trickery against you. you ask questions...and you get the answers you don't want to hear. all of the strength turns to weakness. your hunger then is numb while the pain throbs even more...all due to one fact..failure to accept the worlds' judgment on you.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

badassness: roger estep

badassness: Doug Young

hard work or hardly workin

first..take a look at something i found to be interesting...when u look at this look at the dates of some of these records...even take a second look if you have to...

me vs. fear

no one likes it. no one wants to find it. we live in a world where fear exists only in the mind of those who run from it. daily everyone has things they daily their motivation is to not be crippled by it. so they do things...that even lead to sin. its funny matter how far you hard u try...fear still exists...cause the only place it has power is in the mind.

for me...fear of being a shadow is mine. for years i strived to not be suffocated by the shadows and pain of being forgotten. back in the the 70s and didn't have the no way to glorify yourself. you brought your ass into the gym..trained your ass off and leave. not to try to show out and "act" like your trying to be about something to others when at the end of the day...that becomes pointless. as i said...for me fear of the shadows have always been a fear of mine. growing up i was the middle child...always forgotten...never to be first before anyone...left alone my own prison where i talk to myself alot. i was always never taken seriously...always by myself. in my mind however..if i didn't exist to anyone else...i didn't exist. that was logical to me


it pisses me off. nothingness that surrounds you. you talk. no one hears you. you sleep. no one is there to wake you. you have nightmares. no one hears you scream. but there is something more worse than that. when you no longer exist to the world...and u become a shadow...your words fall on death ears. you pleas go unanswered. their back is turned to you. you've just become their past.

everyday facing that does two things to me. fills my heart with sorrow for i'm the one who caused it. but two...hatred and rage. to me its worse than being stabbed in the back...having the world turn their back to me. makes me wanna snap its spine in half. u sit in your prison day by day with that on your mind. the silence is deafening. you have too much time to think...but u do. that's where the devil can get ahold of you. words come into your head....the mind games are at play. your told there is no hope. your told your nothing. your told your trash. then your told why don't you end yourself...make this pain easier and it will go away. this is where you go crazy. you fight against these thoughts...trying to keep sane. trying hold onto outlet of some sort. yet he continues to tug on those strings. then it turns to rage. how the fuck could they leave me hanging? turn their backs to me? i punch walls. i attempt to bend iron with my hands. then it hits me.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

the routine

solitude. its your own prison. mind games can be a bitch. and a lot of times can drive you to sleepless days and nights. you talk to yourself alot to try and have an outlet to keep sane. i realized a routine is necessary. wake up. get on the some research on my training method...big fan of old school training i like researching it and applying my own twist to it. i eat my first meal before i train. between the two i catch a nap in between. then i throw on my golds gym shorts...tshirt and tank and head to the gym which is five minutes away. i arrive there and one is there.

my own prison

the bottom...that's where you struggle to exist. where you watch the world from a window in a mall. when your surrounded by the inconsistences and shortcomings of your own life as it compares to others. where things go when they are tossed aside to be forgotten. its very much like living in your own prison. except my cell is unlocked. i want to be tested. i want to prove myself. i want to be a living breathing freak of chaos...a physical side-walk smashing manifestation of just how pissed off i am at society and my almost primal hunger to become greater and stronger than it. i see shit in the world..either in my own life or in others that doesn't make me blind to the truth. doin whats easy is always the first and most likely the "better" option over doin what's "right". what's right usually requires some fuckin elbow grease..a little suffering and pain...and most importantly...time. no body likes that last part. time. why? in this fucked reality we live in...shit gets forgotten...for me that's where i've been. at the bottom. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

intensity and passion

intensity & passion

back in 2008..i walked into golds gym in birmingham, alabama. i haven't been there alot so when i do go there its a treat or really a chance for me to see some freaks and monsters. when i walk into a gym i automatically scan about the place lookin for that one person a caged with some intensity and passion. its rare for me to see it but this day i saw it...there was a guy near the dumbbell rack who was walkin with a fuckin purpose. there was intensity and passion in every footstep from the db rack to his bench and back. no energy was wasted. after talkin with him...found out he was gettin ready for his first show. within minutes...realized he wanted something more than just bein a competitor...he wanted to be a pro. ever since that day...we've stayed in contact like brothers pushin one another.