Friday, May 9, 2014

one rule.

Programs. Rules. Form. in the beginning...they were necessary...and in some aspects..maybe they are. but they take away from one's fire to be better and to have fun at being the best they can day in and day out. to have people turn on one another just cause they choose to put their energy into hard work rather than rules. my bro Jake asked me what my back and shoulder routine answer was that i just GO! Evan Centopani said the same in one of his videos...that sometimes you just have to GO! George Leeman made a comment in his videos that sometimes the best training program is just fkin wanting it more. You have to put all your energy into doing three things...
1. working your ass off no matter what
2. being the best you can THAT DAY..then repeat.
3. fkin have fun doin it!
too many people take that fun away when they throw all these rules into it. when they stress about that! do you not have faith in your ability to be stronger? if u do then just GO and fk sh*t up! too many people today are followers cause they believe following a path that is made is the easiest path to success.
why the hell do u think some of the oldest records in powerlifting...are raw records. like in life...there is NO predetermined path that makes one a fr3ak. that's what makes this game always evolving cause everyone isn't the same and not all rules can be unbroken. all rules can be broken. just go an fk sh*t up cause u simply can! when it comes down to being the strongest have to be strong ANY WAY, EVERY WAY, and doin it YOUR WAY. leave nothing to chance. leave no weakness unturned. do what the hell you want cause you can. rules were made to be broken by those who choose to be evolve who go by only this rule. STACK. KILL. REPEAT.

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