Saturday, May 17, 2014

11th hour: dogs of war

is there a hero ending here? i'll be honest...there isn't. people these days a blinded by the false sense of fairy tale life. they look for the one "secret" to it all...they seek for that "entitlement" so they can create their own throne in life to sit their asses on preach to the world. everyone wants to be a king. be nice wouldn't it? how about someone telling you you have what it takes to be the "one" and not worry about failing. in this game...its goin to the gym...making gains...gettin noticed...get sponsored... etc..and then live the life in the lap of luxury. probably the same people who believe that a "secret" to this life is all in one "shot". they become a hero to many and remembered as such. here's where the swift kick in the ass comes in cause no of this shit is ever gonna be easy. 

that's a fairy tale. what's a fairy tale? one without blood...without sweat...without pain. yea. wake the hell up. that shit is a fairy tale. how about making all your gains without effort? there's one king kong and he's only in the movies. wake the hell up. you go to the gym...and you have good days and bad days. its double edged sword if your pushing yourself to be worth a damn to yourself. they come and go...but since you learn more shit from bad days than good...suck it up, sweetheart. here's another reality for you. 90% of the people that see you have any potential at all...will be "clowns"...(haters)...drunk of envy and jealously...some won't believe you can do it...while others you'll never gain approval of since negativity will be the only thing they learn. the bane of humanity on some days. so your own circle will be few and tight. best to have quality over quantity. hero? get off on that bullsh*t fast. there are those who are stuck there pretending to be one for the rest of their lives. anyone that exudes any "freak" traits will be barred a "villian" by those who are stuck on their jealously and envy of you. here's one true will either live to pretend to be pretender or a hero or 
you will live to a villian with a smile on your face cause you don't do this to say "i'm sorry" for being what or who you are...something real. to you this
isn't a win/lose game that a hero plays. this isn't a game. greatness in eyes of a lion is nothing more than world domination to a villian...YES you will lose. accept that shit now. YES you will lose to those bigger and/or stronger than you. the shit will cut like the sharp edge of a blade
that cuts across the body. will walk away empty handed. YES will feel like your robbed or cheated. GET OVER IT NOW. YES you will not live like a king simply cause your not MR. OLYMPIA...OR WORLD STRONGEST MAN...OR#1 guy in your weight class..calling yourself one...means your a true definition of a clown! ALL that matters is being the best you can be...everyday while your fighting to earn that greatness you seek. YES you will receive no recognition for the stuff you do. why? cause you haven't done anything. in case you didn't get the point...this isn't no fairy tale. for what you will have to fight for it. go to war for it. this isn't a game! a player plays games...a warrior goes to war. leave the clowns to make the jokes. 

why go to war? cause of what you will have to endure to get to where you want to be will be damn near war in hell. it will always feel nothing will come easy...YES you will have to go to hell and back and again. YES. there will be pain and suffering involved just cause shit doesn't come easy.
YES. YOU WILL BLEED AND SWEAT. you will have to get your elbows dirty. no one got to the top without having to sweat and bleed their share. your ego will be your krytonite. what the f*ck have you done? not a damn thing! so wake up now. you go in and you go in hard day in and day out...being the best you can be THAT DAY and you wake up tomorrow and be better than yesterday. YES. you will be a blind man walking cause your forging your own path no one made for you. NO ONE WILL HAVE THE ANSWERS cause no one can decide for you if your gonna make it thru your OWN war or not. that shit is up to you. the eye of the beholder is you! you detemine that. so your own happy ending will be ON YOU. you determine how you want to fight this war. there is no sleep for the hungry...just grind. that's all there is. everyday is a fight. fight to wake up. fight to get to work. fight to get off work. fight to get to the gym. fight to get the meals in. fight to get to bed on time just to wake up and fight all over again the next day. the grind will suck but this is the path you chose. the path you made for you. f*ckin walk it and walk it hard! no one will do it for you nor the work ahead. 

no one will fight this war FOR YOU but you will find those who will fight it WITH YOU. that's all that matters. you don't train for the small train for the greatness that you believe is yours to capture. choose to see the bigger picture and not blinded by what's in front of you. does this piss
you off? good. a little fire under your ass never hurt anyone. you will be told 1000 lies...and everyone of those lies will echo in your head...THIS WILL HAPPEN. if i were you...either get used to sayin f*ck you 1000 times or let them take real estate in your head. no one will cry tears or feel sorry for you when you stuck at the bottom. anyone that doing you NO FAVORS! what you did yesterday will never be enough cause the expectations of tomorrow will be greater cause of yesterday. when has there been a villian that was satisfied with just conquering just the world? get the point. oh and
one more thing...that "secret"...THERE IS NONE. if there is one..its a lie. YOU WILL FAIL. why? cause thats where the real fight begins..where the educations and hard lessons are learned...and question bad do you want it? for you the only thing is certain is that quitting is an expensive you cannot afford. fighting is the only thing left to do at the end of the day cause you have to EARN EVERY INCH OF EVERY MILE YOU WALK! PREPARE TO FIGHT FOR IT! everyone wants to be a king...but no one do what it takes to fight for it. 

does any of this sound like a fairy tale? DID you hear a happy ending? were you told that you would meet someone who would have all the answers and secrets for you? were you told that you would become a hero? did you win the battle and save the day? was the "secret" all you needed"? if you read any of this in this in what i just did three things. 

1. you wasted your time lookin for a "secret". 
2. and you read the wrong post. go google "fairy tales". 
3. your not about this life. quit lying to yourself. 

clocks tickin. on the 11th hour.. do you want to dream about that fairy tale life or do you want to go out and make it happen by any means necessary? 

don't sleep. get grindin. your taking up space. 


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