Wednesday, April 30, 2014


fr3aks are inhuman machines. we see weight. we destroy it. we aren't in competition with anyone. its ourselves. the hunger to push ourselves to levels unheard of and unseen before in ourselves and others. the method of madness. stack. kill. repeat. that's it. we stay ready for battle cause we train in hell regularly...u don't have to get ready...we fuckin love reps...we love making our workouts harder than they started out...breathin hard...hearin our hearts beating to death...seein our sweat hit the floor and the only thing we think about is "what's next?" its a sickness only a few have. its the only program that we follow...that program is called "fckin wanting it more". our focus has become pure tunnel vision. no amount of words from haters...clowns...and anyone that isn't for this...don't matter. our focus is purely on working hard and wanting more than yesterday. this is about the work. this is about the war against the iron. this is stack. kill. repeat. what the fck are u doing today?

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