Wednesday, April 30, 2014


fr3aks are inhuman machines. we see weight. we destroy it. we aren't in competition with anyone. its ourselves. the hunger to push ourselves to levels unheard of and unseen before in ourselves and others. the method of madness. stack. kill. repeat. that's it. we stay ready for battle cause we train in hell regularly...u don't have to get ready...we fuckin love reps...we love making our workouts harder than they started out...breathin hard...hearin our hearts beating to death...seein our sweat hit the floor and the only thing we think about is "what's next?" its a sickness only a few have. its the only program that we follow...that program is called "fckin wanting it more". our focus has become pure tunnel vision. no amount of words from haters...clowns...and anyone that isn't for this...don't matter. our focus is purely on working hard and wanting more than yesterday. this is about the work. this is about the war against the iron. this is stack. kill. repeat. what the fck are u doing today?

the difference maker

"strength is forged thru adversity"

something i learned while attending RUM 7. this has been the third meet i've gone to where i've watched and might has been the one that made me wake up to a few things. for compete here you have to be on a different level mentally and physically as me and Tony Evans talked about. you can't be all about trying to prove something to someone all day everyday as i have done and know of others who are doin the same right now...that's how you get picked apart. no one feels sorry for you if your only motivation is to "i'll show them who i am" type of mentality. lifts yesterday were as clean as i've seen...not cause the standards were high but cause the competitors that liftted were that damn good. its why Tony belonged there. hardly any egos from what i saw too...everyone was having fun competiting at this level of competition. i came across this two years before. i remembered after that meet Garrett Griffin had advised me to start doin bigger meets. i know why. people know who you are and what your about based on the strength of your competition. everyone knew who arnold was after he dominated mr olympia cause of the level of competition he faced every year. same with any well known bodybuilder or powerlifter. no one remembers that guy who do didn't have any competition. 

they remember the guy who emerged from tough field of competitiors. argue this or not. this is fact. i've talked with people who were comfortable proving themselves to people who didn't give a rats' ass about who they are and what they are about other than the fact they love to run their mouths than adding plates. yesterday this was different to those who i met and talked with. they were just hungry to face their competition to be pushed to the next level...something you can't find just anywhere. no one at RUM that i saw was above the sport. none. to know what it is? there were no egos cause lifters that competed were surrounded by real fakes...posers...etc...real recognize real. cheesy as fk but its truth. 

this has changed my mentality completely. i want to compete at this level not just in powerlifting but bodybuilding as well. i want to compete against the best so i can pushed to the next prove only to myself that i'm capable of being stronger..that i am a greater competitor than yesterday. i met one of my huge souces of motivation in Derek Kendall yesterday and all i can think about is being able to share the same platform with him...weird huh? fck what happens in gyms....fck what some dbag has to say about who i am that never has pushed himself beyond his ego...fck the judgment of someone else cause of how i train...the true measure of ones' strength is based upon "his" challenges that he has faced. pure truth. if it doesn't challenge doesn't change you right? i'm not gonna sit here and tell you that i'm fired up. that should be obvious. lol. making this post is about sharing what i learned to those who follow me and believe in me and hoping that they learn from this...if your gonna be a a competitior...not one who poses as one. do "real" competitions and face "real" competitors...that's how u measure how "strong you are".