Sunday, March 2, 2014

game of strength

i remembered hearing the throwback stories from my old coach jon grove about how we battled it out with two other guys in his weight class...plate for plate...pound for pound...they bleed and they pushed one another to levels they never even thought about reaching that day but they each wanted to be the best they can be THAT day for themselves. jon told me he's still close to those guys to this day at the time this was told to me which was seven years ago...a true "game of strength"....

when i went to raw unity this past month...i saw true competition. but i also saw guy who were pushing themselves higher and higher for themselves. i also saw competitors pushing one another cause they are all there for the same reason...for themselves and to better themselves. its why few make it to the higher levels of competition....or why few train at dungeons...cause if your there to prove something to everyone...then your the one who's lost. your competitors could careless about you proving yourself to them. its pointless. we all started this to better ourselves for ourselves and thru the records...statuses....chasing numbers....we get lost and start trying to "show out" for someone or somebody. i realized that those who turn pro are the ones who remain true to why they do this in the first place. its where my head finally came back to.

me and brandon allen thought it would be great to have a great one on one battle on the platform. later after i shared with him what i saw at RUM...this is the conversation it led to:

" We will murder each other... But then help to put the other brother back together... We can hate the weight... But love one an other. It's all about being man. I hate u as a competitor but respect u as a man. That equals a competition that shows how this sport can generate hate but still create two men who respect each other but strive to be better. As long as we help each other grow and become better what we are doing is what this sport needs. I hate how u train.. Ur too strong... So I will do my best to be better... Do the same cuz come game day I'll be ready... And after I will be proud to say went against curt dennis jr. and I won or lost but I gave it my fucking all. We will battle for kings of the east or west at 308. Regardless... I'll be proud to have gone against u brother
Curt:"brother. u took the words right out of my mouth.  we will murder one another... push one another harder.... between now and RUM 8. we will hate each other as competitors but respect one another as brothers.  this battle is what the sport must see. that u can hate your competitor and respect one another as brothers in the process. we will push each other hard.  why?  cause we both want to be the best and the strongest we can be THAT day.  No Matter what head will be held down"
Brandon:"And we need to spread this message... We can help this young guys to be the best they can be. Don't worry about the records be the best u can.. And once ur near the top? Tell ur competition u love them but ur going to kill them. This how men should battle. And after grab a beer or food and hold the others accomplishment as ur own because it takes a man to be in those shoes. We need to help the new generation.. We need to be the role models.... We need to show them how men compete .
our "game of strength" challenge is about bringing competition and comraderie back to where it should be in powerlifting. we both will bring everything we got in training to meet head to head at this moment...this great battle between 308. we will show everyone what it means to be both a competitor and brother at the same time. we will push each other..on and off the each others worse enemy and brother at the same time. there is nothing that will be held back so that the day comes when we face one another...the best will be brought out that day. this isn't to prove something to one another...we both are monsters. we are there to prove something to ourselves...that we can be the strongest and the best we can be THAT day. that we can put it all out there and still walk out with our heads held high.'s head will he held higher than the other but at the same show that this is just one battle in a war of strength where the best is being brought out of one another...something that needs to be brought back to powerlifting as well as every sport. follow us by using the hashtag #gameofstrength on twitter and/or instagram. follow our journeys and see how this becomes a reality.

"we are the new generation and we are men. we set the example"- brandon allen

this "game of strength" is about men competiting like men. truly pushing one another to be better than before with nothing to prove to anyone but themselves. being a competitor and comrad at the same time. bringing war to one another just to piece one another back up for another. no egos. just all about passion and intensity to be greater than both men thought possible. a game of strength. 


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