Thursday, February 20, 2014


ok imagine this...takin the most weight u could for a single and trying to move it as many times past single as you could...would u be stronger? or how about taking the most weight u could do for 10 reps and try to do 20 total...would u get better? think about these as u read along...

Monday, February 10, 2014

swimming with sharks

does anyone remember that guy that competed and was the only one that won his weight class cause he was the only competition? fuck no. why does everyone remember the underdog? cause he has so much against him that winning wasn't possible and made it possible. its why guys like dorian yates...bill kazmaier....mariusz pudinanowski....ed coan...etc...will never be forgotten because their strength was measured against the strongest. that's how you find who you the fuck are. here's another. who the hell are u doin this for? these guys didn't have chips on their shoulders...haters on their asses...posers acting like them...they did it for them and themselves only. i'm slowly starting to realize what sent me to my own prison in the first place.